Sisterly 'Love' in Slovenia...
My sister and I from a friend's wedding a few days before I left for my trip.
June 18, 2006
Because some things never change, Ljubljana is where we would get into our first fight (within three hours of seeing each other). It
was actually more of an extremely irritating one-sided argument…
Let me just set it up…
Before even leaving for this trip, I had to make some sacrifices regarding things I was going to bring with me. For example, my
straightening iron for my hair made it to the cutting room floor as I deemed it a ‘luxury’ and not a ‘necessity’. This would be okay
because when my sister, amongst others, would come out and visit me, I would then have the capabilities to move from ‘traveling
scrub’ status to ‘normal person on a vacation’ status. This would happen because I would then have the tools to straighten my hair.
One can truly look like a different person when their hair is straight vs. curly – and I am no exception.
On the climb up the castle, Michelle informed me that she did not bring her straightening iron with her. What?!?!? My visions of
looking like a normally-groomed person disappeared before my eyes. And I am not going to lie—as that vision disappeared, anger
filled its void. How could she not think about her sister who has had her hair up in a clip for the past two months? Her sister who
doesn’t even have conditioner to use on her hair? Her sister who half the time struggles to get the comb through her tangled hair?
And then she really crossed the line by suggesting that the straightening iron would only dry my hair out more. Ohhhhh…..Do NOT
go there, woman!!!
After five minutes of this (though it felt like an hour), I apologized for assuming that she would think of something that was so obvious
(I know this didn’t rank as one of my top apologies ever given).
So that was some insight into the first (of what will probably be many) stupid arguments that my sister and I are capable of…