July 18, 2005
Okay. Planning is getting underway. I need to slow down because of one mere fact. It is
that I’m going to Africa in a bit over one month from now and I really don’t want to
lose sight of what an amazing trip it’s going to be. I just can’t shake the excitement I’m
getting from looking up different places and what I want to do there. I’m actually
getting together with my travel agent tomorrow. It will be good to discuss how to go
about buying the plane ticket, etc. Also I’ve been checking out different tours, treks,
etc. For example, I think I want to do a trek in Nepal, a cooking course in India, a Nile
cruise on a felucca in Egypt and tours in Petra and Lebanon. That’s quite a handful!!!
While yesterday I was thinking about everything I’m going to be getting out of such a
trip, this morning I was woken up by thinking about the things I would be missing.
Being away from a comfort zone is not going to be easy. Here are the things that (at
this point) are not going to go forgotten:
• Friends, sister, etc.
• Missing out on experiences going on at home. Missing out on the little stories as
well as the major events.
• Being without news for long stretches of time.
• Morning crossword puzzles.
• Toilet-seat covers. Heck, hygiene altogether.
• While we’re at it, toilet seats.
• A regular paycheck with benefits.
• Having a ‘home’.
• Summer BBQs.
• Bikini waxes. (Yes, it sounds strange. But I am going to miss these.)
• A full range of clothes in my closet to choose from in the morning.
• The Food Network.
• Frozen yogurt.
• Straightening my hair with a straightening iron.
• Celebrity gossip/updates.
• My apartment that I’m going to have to move out of.
• The latest and greatest in hip-hop/pop/rap music
• My daily cable car ride to work.
• My 30th birthday (that also happens to fall on a SATURDAY, of all days!)
• My favorite candies that won’t be accessible from the places I’m going to be (and
it’s safe to say that I don’t have the will power it takes to take these candies with me
for a good duration of the trip….one trans-Atlantic flight and those babies are history!)
• Being able to understand conversations going on around me.
And I'm sure there will be many more things I will realize that I'm going to miss down
the road...