Fiji Journals

Bula, Fiji

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Matamanoa Resort

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My Fijiian Experience...

Highs: The stunning color of the water; the views from the pool at our resort.

Lows: 'Fijian time' can sometimes equate to a low-level of service; the resort not getting back to me
about going on a shark dive; having a faulty mask one day which resulted in a not-so-fun snorkel.

Best Moment: Just laying by the pool doing absolutely nothing.

Craziest Moment: Seeing employees of the rather-costly resort just laying around and sleeping.

Smells: Flowers (maybe it's because they placed these very liberally all over the rooms?).

Sounds: The guitar playing as we arrived; the nightly serenades for the departing guests.

Sights: The ocean; our infinity pool; granite rocks near the beach; a piggy get roasted over the spit.

Tastes: Fresh fruit; fish and seafood; saltwater from the ocean that entered my mouth while
snorkeling (ewww!); creamy, tropical fruity drinks.

Purchases: An underwater camera (clearly, I should have thought about this purchase back in
Australia before going to the Great Barrier Reef...oops!).

Western Companies Out Here: McDonald's.

Other General Info...

Visa needed? No.

Type of currency? Fiji Dollar. About $1 FD is about $.75 US (just about identical to the NZD).

Things Fiji Is Known For: Islands; locals being very relaxed (i.e. the popularity of 'Fiji Time').

Religion: Christian (I am guessing this is the predominant religion as a Sunday School from a local
village came to our resort one day to sing.)

Costs: Approximately $1,150 (with flights, resort, food, etc.).
December 30, 2006 - January 3, 2007
Pictures can't do justice to the color of th e
View from the helicopter.
View from our pool.