Languages Spoken...
Second Part of Trip...

  1. English (London and Ireland)
  2. Arabic (just a few words in Morocco and Tunisia)
  3. French (Morocco and Tunisia)
  4. German (well, more of a Swiss-German)
  5. Croatian/Serbian/etc. (they are all pretty similar)
  6. Hindi (once again, just a few words. Almost everybody speaks English right off the bat.)

First Part of Trip...

  1. English
  2. Turkish (it kind of counts that I learned how to say 'thank you')
  3. French (in Lebanon)
  4. Arabic (very minimal)
  5. Hebrew
  6. Polish
  7. Czech
  8. German (in Vienna and Sopron)
  9. Slovenian
  10. Italian (Istria, Croatia)
  11. Hungarian
  12. Afrikaans
  13. Creole
  14. Spanish (with people in Seychelles and India)
  15. Hindi
  16. Nepali
  17. Russian
  18. Mongolian
  19. Chinese
  20. Thai
  21. Vietnamese
  22. Fijian
  23. Maori
  24. Rapanui
  25. Portuguese